An expert many times over, Lance Callahan has given upwards of 45,000 personal training sessions over the past 22 years. Lance, 46, is one of the most experienced and dedicated Personal Trainers in Los Angeles. And now he is adding Life Coaching to his list of services. He has been certified by the American College of Sports Medicine and the Life Coach Institute of Orange County. But it is his experience and passion that sets him apart.
Lance is one of the strongest and most inspirational people you'll ever meet. A survivor of extreme trauma–third-degree burns on his hands and scalp resulting from a severe car accident when he was 4, child abuse, child poverty, and the extra-challenging life experience these factors set him up for–Lance had very few roles models during his tumultous childhood in the 1980s. One of those was his father's brother who was a recreational bodybuilder. As a wee lad Lance also took solace in the He-Man animated series and action figures. Thus was born his innate desire to be a bodybuilder, positive role model, and warrior for good in this often cruel and unfair world.
Lance started lifting weights when he was 18 and has never looked back. Upon graduation from UCLA with a degree in English (Lance had idea what he wanted to do with his life) in 2001, Lance began his Personal Training journey. His first real job in the industry was working for Bally Total Fitness. Within months he became far and away the busiest Trainer at the gym. In 2003, after ethical disagreements with Bally, Lance went independent and started training clients at the now defunct Joe's Gym in Brentwood, California.
In 2008 Lance moved to the eastside and began training at the famous Body Builder's Gym in Silver Lake. Here he had truly found a home. Within 6 months Lance became the most sought after trainer that gym had ever seen. Well known for his muscular physique, his strength on the bench press, his singsongy way of speaking sometimes, his belly laugh and his beard, Lance spent the next several years working with the most incredible clientelle. Mostly entertainment industry, but also people from all walks of life. Lots of lawyers, actors, editors, writers, directors, students, seniors, people getting married, people having babies, people with disabilities, people with depression. People trying to better themselves.
In 2016, just days before his 40th birthday, Lance decided to stop covering his burn-scarred scalp (he had grown so ashamed of) with hats or hairpieces. Hiding these scars was an affliction he had struggled with since childhood, for as long as he can remember. That was a big one. Gave him confidence in himself he had never known. He had begun to stop hiding who he was on the outside. Then came the monumental task of understanding and embracing who he is on the inside. It's a lifelong journey for him. To just be human and to just be. We all struggle with it. Some more than others.
In 2020 when the pandemic hit, Lance swiftly took his Personal Training business online. Much to his surprise he was still able to provide great workouts to clients, despite the anticipated limitations of working with them remotely. Although his business remained healthy, like so many of us, Lance suffered from severe depression due to the extreme isolation and demons from his past coming to roost. He leaned heavily into alcohol and weed in a futile effort to combat his issues and struggled with horrific insomnia. In August of 2022 Lance was suddenly and unexpectedly hospitalized for a life-threatening infection (not Covid) which led him to rethink the course of his life. No more just surviving. Time to thrive!
Today Lance is a Life Coach and Personal Trainer who works with clients at his private studio in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles as well as with virtual clients from all over the world. Concurently, Lance is pusuing a master's degree in Clinical Psychology, with the hopes of eventually becoming a powerful and sought-after psychotherapist. And hopefully write an autobiography of his crazy life. But he will never stop lifting or training. It's in his blood! In his free time Lance enjoys KCRW, horror films, singing (he's a classical singer), and hanging out with his 7-year-old shelter dog Bud.